Saturday, June 30, 2007

Taking Another Plunge......

I debated with myself for all of 2 minutes -- to do it or not. In the end, it was an easy decision - do it! I bought an iPhone last night and have spent about 8 hours so far playing with the gadget. While the price is high ($499 for the 4 gb version that I purchased), the functionality, design, ease of use, and WOW factor are worth every penny.

I only had to wait in line for 25 minutes - so I consider myself lucky. No camping out all day with overzealous apple freaks salivating and trading the latest apple rumors. I just drove up about 5:35 - got in line for the 6 p.m. store opening and by 6:45 I was on my way home with my new phone. It took me all of 5 minutes to activate the phone once I got home (nifty activation feature through iTunes).

This thing does everything that they have been promising and as simply as they indicated. I've know loaded my contact, iTunes library, hundreds of photos, my entire calendar onto the phone, and synced my email so that I can send and receive email on the phone.

I've tested the internet browser - works wonderfully - though takes a little while to load given the sidebars. PeoriaChronicle popped right up and I even made a post to it from the iPhone. Email works wonderfully on the iPhone - very simply to read, reply or compose.

The mapping feature is amazing - I should never get lost. All these services are available with a low data plan price of $20/month for unlimited web access. I didn't have to make any changes to my existing phone service since I was already with ATT. Plus it's able to utilize wifi. The thought of about everything with this little marvel.

The only thing I haven't done yet with this amazing item is actually make a phone call!

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